A disturbing viral video has surfaced on various social media platforms showing a student from the Adisadel College, a senior high school in Ghana, violently bullying a fellow student, presumably a junior. The incident, which has sparked outrage and concern among the general public has triggered the debate on the need to address bullying and hazing in schools.
CDS Africa categorically condemns this incident and sympathizes with the victim(s) in the video and their families for the physical harm and physiological trauma the ordeal has brought on them. Every student has a right to feel protected in their learning environment, as it is the duty of the school community to provide a safe environment that values kindness and inclusivity.
The Ghana Education Service (GES) and the authorities of Adisadel College have launched investigations into the incident and issued statements to condemn the situation assuring the public of their keen interest in the matter.
This proactive move by the GES and the School is particularly commendable. CDS Africa also urges that all persons found culpable in this matter be made to face the full rigors of the law without fear or favor.
It is essential for all stakeholders, including school administrators, teachers, parents, and students to work collaboratively to address the issue of bullying or hazing. By adopting a multi-faceted approach that includes education, awareness creation, and promoting a positive and supportive environment, we can combat bullying and ensure that all students have the opportunity to thrive in a safe and respectful learning environment.
Lastly, it is essential for schools to educate students on any existing protocols on the reporting and addressing of such incidents. Students need to feel confident that when issues are reported, it will be taken with the utmost seriousness and with confidentiality guaranteed.