The increasing extent to which profanity and indecent language are creeping into our society has become worrying. The most concerning trend is the fact that many Ghanaian social media users, particularly on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, have normalized the use of indecent language to the extent that they cannot feud or banter without incorporating profane words. This normalization has reached a point where the once rare and shocking use of vulgar language is now a common feature in online interactions.
Many studies, such as those by Agyekum (2004), Wildes (2020), Ofcom (2016), and Sapolsky, Shafer, and Kaye (2010), have shown the detrimental effects that the use of indecent language can have on individuals. These effects include damage to reputation and self-esteem, psychological pain, and the rekindling of hatred between individuals or groups in society. The pervasive use of profanity can lead to a culture of disrespect and animosity, eroding the social fabric that holds communities together.
We find ourselves in an era where referring to the genitalia of someone’s mother as a way of venting one’s anger and displeasure is alarmingly acceptable. This trend overlooks the powerful impact of the World Wide Web, which is also utilized by underage children. It is, therefore, not surprising that some musicians feel emboldened to trivialize the use of profanity and indecent language in their songs. This only buttresses the point that we have failed our generation by degrading our values and customs.
Our culture and values traditionally abhor the use of indecent and vulgar language, especially in public. It is, therefore, concerning that the very individuals we consider as role models and celebrities are often the ones championing the use of indecent language. Imagine a play date with your five-year-old child, and suddenly, they utter an indecent word because they have come across a particular song containing vulgar language. Worse still, they may have consistently been exposed to such language whenever they pick up your phone to scroll through your social media feed.
The Role of Media and Society in Addressing Indecent Language
The media has a significant role to play in shaping societal norms and values. Social media, in particular, has become a powerful tool for education and knowledge transfer. However, this means that children and teens are highly susceptible to the content they encounter online, whether good or bad. It is crucial to reiterate the need to ensure sanity online and preserve our culture, which stands in stark opposition to indecent language.
The media should take an active role in highlighting the negative impact of this trend. By showcasing the detrimental effects of indecent language on individual well-being and societal harmony, the media can help curb this alarming trend. Furthermore, media campaigns can promote positive language and respectful communication, thereby reinforcing the values that underpin our cultural identity and ideology as a nation.
In conclusion, the proliferation of indecent language on social media is a growing concern that requires immediate attention. By addressing this issue head-on, we can work towards preserving the integrity of our cultural values and ensuring a respectful and positive online environment for future generations.